$199 /mo
- Unlimited campaigns
- Custom domains
- Detailed clicklog
- JavaScript CDN integration
- PHP integration
- API access
- City level GEOfilter
- Fast IPv4/IPv6filter
- Frequency cap -limit number of visits by aparticular visitor
- Dashboard for mobile
- Weighted URL rotation for split testing
- Tracker integration
- URL query parameter filtering
- CSV exports
- Real-time statswith hourly granularity
- IP type filter - corporate, datacenter, residential etc...
- HTTP referrer filter and logs
- Device filter
- OS filter
- Browser filter
- ISP/ORG/Carrier filter
- User-Agent filter
- PageGaurd - Protects landing page
- Custom filters
- Integration test and troubleshooter
- WordPress plugin
- Automation
- IPv6 support
- Chat support